
 (Provisional Member of the Shoe Gang)


1. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Not enough -- yet -- but the ones I have are FAB!

Fave shoes when I'm feeling nice

Fave shoes when I'm feeling naughty

2. The phrase that makes your heart flutter and your knees weak?

Baby, your gnocci is even better than my mother's

3. What do you find irresistible in a man (or woman if that's the path your shoes take you)

Oh my God, his mouth!

4. What turns you on?

Cooking / eating as foreplay

5. What turns you off?

Frozen pizza, supermarket mozzarella, pre-minced garlic in a jar

6.Who is your Dream Date? (Once you are accepted, we will need a pic of your Dream Date.) You cannot choose a Dream Date that someone else has claimed. We don't want any fighting, especially over a man!)

See photo below -- 'nuff said ;-)

7. Why do you want to become a Shoe Gang Member?

To learn at the magnificently shod feet of the masters -- er, um, mistresses

8.What is your personal quote, the motto you live by?

Once you weed the garden, it's amazing what has room to grow.

9. What will you add to the Shoe Gang's fun?

Entirely too much bawdy sex talk. Plus I'll provide the food for all of the Gang's get-togethers.


My costume

Dream date, also a famous headless model

I too was once a headless model

The vote was quick and unanimous, MeggieShines is in! The shoes, the costume, the dream date, and..... the promise of FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let no one say the Shoe Gang Members are immune to bribery. Welcome MeggieShines!

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